why you should advertise your 'business' on calabarblog.com

calabarblog.com is a leading blog in cross river state,its niche covers entertainment in calabar,people of calabar & their culture,new innovations in calabar,gist in calabar,what's trending in calabar,tourism in calabar...calabar blog is a digital guide about everything calabar.
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Calabar Blog is a Premier and leading digital guide showcasing the best in creativity emerging from the Calabar scene with content covering wide arrays of subjects readers can trust and share without missing out the cool stories relevant for making living or visiting Calabar memorable'

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calabarblog has about 2.3 million unique visitors,having about 30,000 visitors daily,each spending 3-5mins on the blog,these visitors spans across the globe with ages of about 14-65 years 

calabarblog is my no.1 favorite blog 

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