Marina Slay Queen Contest

where are all the SLAY QUEENS with brains The Marina resort Calabar is offering you an opportunity to be a slay queen in reality not only on Instagram, Apart from the star prize you'll be representing the resort as the Face of marina re branded!Lots of trips and consolation prizes too

Holla if you're interested or know someone who is fit to be our SLAY QUEEN/FACE OF MARINA RESORT CALABAR 😍

Marina Slay Queen Contest Auditions started  this Saturday 12th August 2017@the Marina Resort Calabar and will be on till 19th Saturday Augustus 2017
Time: 12noon
Dress code: Heels(any color), sneakers(any color), black or blue jeans, black top(tan top or polo), and a long sleeve striped shirt). For more enquires... Call Kemmie-08180539419, Chris-07039743347
NB- Forms still on sales... Don't miss this opportunity.

