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Hello PhaceMashers!!, it's been a long while and i bet you guys with everything i have that i really missed you guys. In recent times, the general management of PhaceMash Group were faced with some technical challenges and thus, the brand had to go through a revamp. The course of the revamp led to PhaceMash being allocated to a new management, although nothing has changed but at the same time everything has changed as we're now better and bolder than we ever were. PhaceMash has studied its successes and failures, and thus has decided that a new management will be of a great benefit to the brand. 

           We're filled with regret for any inconvenient caused as we give you our word to serve you better.

Thanks once more for the support, love and care you've been giving to us during this trying time. 

Best Regards Increase (MD PhaceMash Group) 
